Time flies too fast...
I remember my first visit on the message board;) It was in November 2O10...almost two years.
I was so intimidated because of my language.
At this moment, I had troubles speaking English..
So, sometimes I wrote in French LOL!
I was struck by how girls get me comfortable.
A warm welcome.I was so glad♥
Since this time, I come every day on the message board. It's so important for me to read what's in life of my friends.
I feel at home.
I was so glad to be a part of the wonderfu team. I love every girl and I loved each kit.
I found so much inspiration with the other girls. So talented women.

Today I feel so sad that the NOok is closing:(
I love you all my NOokers♥♥♥
Je vous adore♥♥♥
Je vous adore♥♥♥
Your English has come so far Marinette! Thank you for trusting us and allowing yourself to get more comfortable with the language. Thankfully scrapping is a universal language, one we all love to speak. Loved your tribute. Am so happy to have met you.
Since day one, you have been a ray of sunshine on the boards, and your amazing talent and sweet comments have made my day many times. J'adore, mon ami!
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